New Media Art solo exhibition
@ Changsha IFS, China
11.14.2022 - 1.2.2023

Hosted by Shiny Art, IFS Changsha

Rain of Joy
is the major theme name of Han's solo exhibition since 2015. He started this project to give an enjoyable shelter and a playground for people who need a pause in their life. And to give a powerful message about the origin of the warm love we forgot. The project grew into various forms in exhibitions all across the globe. but the exhibition mainly showcases multiple new media artworks he has created. It gives you an immersive experience.
Everything in nature is interactive but rain especially gives you a very delightful experience. One raindrop affects another, one drop creates an expanding ripple, and tons of raindrops give life to any creatures on earth. It gives life where there is death.
"Since I started the 'Rain of Joy' exhibition, in all the previous exhibitions, I remember that people often used to stay in the space for a really long time without doing anything and they told me they got positive energy to live. It is such an amazing experience because I feel I give them a priceless experience and I'm doing something right."
In Han’s exhibition ‘Rain Of Joy’, the Rain is also interactive artwork just like nature, but it reacts to sound. The Rain still listens to what you say and answers to you in dynamic form even while you are alone and no one listens to your voice, like a good friend of yours. The dark and silent moments will be broken and will be a playful moment—From a bleak gray to colorful joy.
“Let's think about this. When is the last time you just sit and see falling raindrops for a long time? Doing nothing is seriously hard in the modern era. But you probably will realize in my exhibition, you are simply sitting and doing nothing while just watching falling raindrops in digital form, and listening to rain sounds. And you will think it's ok."
He added, “Please don’t get stressed when you are in my exhibition. That might be because you are an adult who always needs to do something. There is an instruction such as making a sound but no worries. You do not need to do something. That's not the whole point of my exhibition. Just do something that you feel comfortable with and that you think it's enjoyable. Feel the Rain, communicate with the Rain, and play with the Rain.”

Just like many previous visitors in the world, I hope my 'Rain of Joy' exhibition becomes a great turning point and a memorable exhibition for someone.
Enjoy the show.

Rain is a gift from nature. When the rain falls from the sky, it heals the cracked land and moistens everything in the world. It gives birth to colorful flowers in the desert and makes the continuity of life. Man is a product of nature. From the love we have for lives, the rain can be feel by our five senses and produce the vitality, so as to deeply healing our body and mind to generate unparalleled joy.
"Rain of Joy" is an immersive and interactive new media art exhibition. It connects audiences' visual and auditory senses, and they can feel the rain and the joy from raining in a multidimensional way with every cell of the body. This exhibition invites the audience not only to be viewers in the "rain", but also to step into the realm of rain between realitv and illusion. Your voice will be spread in the air and become raindrops, and your emotions will be comforted by the rain when you shout out. Surrounded with "rain", all your senses will be immersed by this natural phenomenon: the rain will change from weak to strong until it becomes windy, and then it will dissipate until it clears. Starlights take over the night sky and soothes your mind. The calm wind takes away the violence of rain and also the time. Walking in it, you can experience the flow of nature, recall the ups and downs of emotions, and regain a new life from inside and outside your body.
Han Lee is a versatile artist whose artworks involve new media art, design and music. Programming, drawing, interaction design, composition and performance are all completed by him independently. He captures nature with artistic expression, transforms physical objects into part of the digital world, and converts the most common elements in nature into vision and sound fields that are visible and audible. Through the most basic human sensory experience, the artist creates another kind of natural existence in the virtual digital world. Just like this "rain", he hopes people can establish a communication channel through his artworks, in which he can transmit positive influences and energy to the audience, and let everyone enjoy the healing and happiness.
“Rain of Joy”这是一场沉浸式互动新媒体艺术展览。它将视觉和听觉相连接,用全身的各个细胞,多维度的感受雨
Han Lee (李翰)是一位全能的跨界艺术家,他的作品涉及新媒体艺术、设计和音乐。编程、绘图、交互设计、作曲、演奏都由他独立完成。他以艺术表达对自然的捕捉,将物理对象转化为数字世界的一部分,将自然界中最常见的元素转换为可视可听的视觉和声场。艺术家通过人最基础的感官体验,创造出另一种虛拟数字世界中的自然存在:并希望人们透过他的作品,建立一种沟通的渠道,在其中传递给观众积极的影响和正能量,正如这场“雨”一般,享受疗愈与快乐。
비는 자연이 준 선물입니다. 하늘에서 내리는 비는 갈라진 땅을 치유하고 세상의 모든 것을 적십니다. 사막에서 형형색색의 꽃을 낳고 생명의 연속성을 만듭니다. 인간은 자연의 산물입니다. 생명에 대한 우리의 사랑에서 비는 오감으로 느끼고 생명력을 생성하여 몸과 마음을 깊이 치유하여 비교할 수 없는 기쁨을 생성합니다.
"Rain of Joy"는 몰입형 인터랙티브 뉴 미디어 아트 전시입니다. 관객의 시각과 청각을 연결하여 비와 비의 기쁨을 몸의 모든 감각으로 느낄 수 있습니다. 이번 전시는 관객을 '비' 속의 관객이 될 뿐만 아니라 현실과 환상 사이의 비의 영역으로 초대합니다. 당신의 목소리는 허공에 퍼져 빗방울이 되고, 외칠 때 당신의 감정은 빗물에 위로가 될 것입니다. "비"로 둘러싸인 이 자연 현상에 모든 감각이 몰입될 것입니다. 별빛은 밤하늘을 점령하고 마음을 달래줍니다. 잔잔한 바람은 비의 격렬함도 시간도 빼앗아 갑니다. 그 안에서 걸으면 자연의 흐름을 경험하고 감정의 기복을 회상하며 몸 안팎에서 새로운 삶을 되찾을 수 있습니다.
Han Lee는 뉴미디어 아트, 디자인, 음악을 아우르는 다재다능한 아티스트입니다. 프로그래밍, 드로잉, 인터랙션 디자인, 구성 및 퍼포먼스는 모두 그가 독립적으로 완성합니다. 그는 예술적인 표현으로 자연을 포착하고, 물리적 대상을 디지털 세계의 일부로 변환하며, 자연에서 가장 흔한 요소를 눈에 보이고 들리는 시각과 음장으로 변환합니다. 인간의 가장 기본적인 감각적 경험을 통해 작가는 가상의 디지털 세계에서 또 다른 자연적 존재를 창조한다. 이 '비'처럼 작품을 통해 소통의 장을 마련해 관객들에게 긍정적인 영향력과 에너지를 전달하고 모두가 힐링과 행복을 누리길 바랍니
Official teaser video by IFS Changsha

Official poster by IFS Changsha


3D modeling and rendering by Han Lee
The artwork 'Rain of Joy' by Han Lee
Music composed and performed by Han Lee
Photography and videos by Shiny Art and IFS Changsha
Curated by Shiny Art